Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Question about Garages

I heard a story on NPR today that just really confused me.
This week, the Dearborn Planning Commission approved changes in rules governing the way Dearbornites may use their garages, and there are those in the Arab community who feel these rule changes are a direct slap at them.
Apparently the issue is that many people in Dearborn, especially those in the Arab community, have started decking out their garages with furniture and sliding glass doors so they can be used as social spaces. I'm trying to fathom why anyone cares what anyone does in their garages. What's next, zoning laws about whether you can have TVs in your kitchen? Should I not be allowed to have a microwave in my bedroom?

I'm just trying to figure out what special interest is pushing regulations on what people can use their garages for. I'm also confused as to why it's legal to put a limit on what people can use their garages for. If you have any insight into why this would be an issue, do share.

1 comment:

Cliff Mulder said...

Local planning has a long and often confusing history with some interesting court cases. Basically, if you do something on your property that could POSSIBLY bring down the value of my property, your action is illegal. Someone must have said that the furniture looked junky. My guess is that some racial under tones exist here too.
