Monday, April 14, 2014

Exam Revision at LSE

Now that I'm done with my trip, the last leg of my journey at LSE begins: studying for exams. When I applied to LSE and learned there was a five week break between Lent and Summer term, I naively assumed that it was an actual break. Actually, because all of one's grade at LSE is based on the final exams, you get some rather perverse effects that lead most students to slack off for most of Michaelmas and Lent terms then study their butts off over most of the Easter Holiday and straight into Summer term. 

As a General Course student, I'm in a somewhat different situation. This being a rare chance to be in Europe, I naturally wanted to spend most of my Easter Holiday traveling and not holed up in the library. In addition, I am blessed to have the opportunity to visit Italy with my mom and dad and see my Italian relatives next week, and then have my parents and sister join me for a week in London the week after that. Naturally, I am very excited to see my family and explore Italy and London with them! However, the result is that instead of taking three weeks of Easter Holiday to study and then not letting up until exams in late May / early June, I only have one week of studying over the holiday and am going to be spending most of the first week of Summer term with my family.

However, I think I've been keeping up with my coursework more than most LSE students (I was one of four students out of my class of 25 to show up for a mock exam in my economic history class at the end of Lent term), and I'll do a bit more studying during the time I have. Altogether, I think I'll be fine, and I actually prefer having a few more weeks of really good fun with friends and family to having somewhat easier studying days. 

However, today is not one of those days of really good fun, but rather intense studying. So, I'm off to the library! 

(As implied in the title, I should not call it studying, but revision if I want to be properly British!) 

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